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Hello everyone. We’re back!
One thing you will hopefully notice is that we have included a separate card with important phone numbers and information. One point that came out of the survey we did is that people like to have important numbers to hand, but it did seem a bit pointless using a page each issue to print the same information. We’re only printing this once, so please keep this card safe for your own reference.

As you have no doubt read from the letter that went out last month, the plan is to produce the Heron every 2 months. There have been various reasons for the pause in production, the magazine relies heavily on myself, Elaine and a voluntary team to put the magazine together, and we have been tied up with other matters over the summer (for me, the not-so-small matter of getting married, see back cover). As always, if anyone can help with the magazine (especially if you know Microsoft Publisher), then please get in touch.

We have been away just long enough to miss reporting on Padgetts Road and the new Island at the end of Church Road (but just in time for the closure of the A1101). In theory, that surface is designed to last for 10 years, if I understand correctly.

We have a piece about Richard Hughes who unfortunately passed away in September. I never met Richard as I am relatively new to the village, but it is obvious from others (and from reading the article) that he was very well liked and will be sadly missed. The very best wishes to his widow, Stacia, who sent this to us. The village also lost Brian Kay recently, and our thoughts are with Sandra at this time.

We are starting a regular series on Stonea Camp, something I’ve driven past so many times, as I’m sure have many, without knowing what actually is there.

One matter I would rather not be reporting on is the fact that one of our residents received a very unpleasant, and anonymous, letter regarding road safety outside their property. Apart from the fact that this type of communication is almost certainly illegal, any grievances regarding road safety should not be aired against a resident but should be raised with the Parish Council in the first instance. You can do this directly to one of the Parish Councillors (not anonymously, please) or come along to a Parish Council Meeting.

Beyond that, may I wish all of our readers a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from the whole of the Heron Team.